{Lately on Instagram}

I have to say, the past week was filled with a lot of loveliness.  It started with me being treated to a very healthy and delicious breakfast with Mère and our beautiful friend Dina, in Sevenoaks on the weekend, followed by a lengthy catchup with my dear friend Lucy in town afterwards.  Then on Sunday, I got to see a few more of my friends, this time two of my oldest, who I've known for nearly twenty years!  Funny how that time just flies right by.  Doesn't seem two minutes ago that we were teenagers, running around town, crying over some silly boy.  Yet, here we are, one engaged to be wed, two tots in tow and the other, happily living with her man and considering a career change.

After the weekend, I spent the first half of the week squirreled away indoors, attempting to work during the day and then, in the evenings, I got to spend precious time with Charlotte.  Whilst we keep in touch daily via phone, it's nice to be able to actually see her in person and have a giggle over something or other.  I was genuinely sad to leave her on the Wednesday, when I packed up and went over to stay at Mère's, in preparation for the ridiculously early morning flight, the following day.  I honestly couldn't ever imagine living in England again, but it would occasionally be nice to be able to see my friends more regularly than twice a year.

Wednesday night I took the time to soak up the proximity of Mr Pig, who I miss terribly.  Mère and her partner, have been graciously looking after him for the past fourteen months and whilst it's not ideal, being so far apart from one another, I'm not currently in a position to have him with me in Berlin and he is very happy and very spoilt living with them.  The day I get an apartment and he is returned to me, will be an overwhelmingly happy one and I will look forward to it.

Finally, on Thursday morning, I hopped on the short flight to France and have been surprised and thankful that the weather here has been so glorious!  I've been able to sit out in my friend Kate's beautiful garden and do my work, whilst soaking up the warmth of the sun, with the company of her two cuddly dogs.  I've been treated to purple porridge for breakfast, homemade soup for lunch and lots of chatting throughout.  It has been a really nice chilled week and I've really appreciated it.

I hope your week has been a good one too.

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