Reading types
Natal chart interpretation
Astrology works by focusing on the planetary alignments present during the time you were born, and interpreting how the energy of those placements will thus affect behaviours and events throughout the course of your life. In order to do so, a natal chart is drawn for you, using your birth details, which will essentially act as a map, depicting this very information. By learning to read this chart, you are not only gifted the opportunity to better understand yourself, your life experiences, and inherent characteristics, but you also have the ability to dive deep into the very depths of your soul’s being, including its previous incarnations and current life lessons.
During this reading, I will take an in-depth look at your natal chart, with the predominant focus on ascertaining what your current life's theme/lesson is. By combing through the many layers of information stored in your chart, I will be able to find what may be holding you back, what wounding is in need of healing, and what strengths you have at your disposal. Through learning to understand yourself on a deeper level, you will be better equipped to appreciate your value in this world and in turn, what your unique gifts are and how best to use them.
Composite Chart
People are complex, something which natal charts show in detail. Like how no two Capricorns will ever be the same, because you’re more than just your Sun sign. Depending on the placement - which house it resides in, what aspects it’s making to other planets in your chart, and what else is going on in there in general, such as your ascendant and personal planets - the energy of your Sun sign and how it’s expressed will be affected. Which is why learning more about astrology is so beneficial in helping you to get to know yourself and your nature on a deeper level. But beyond that, it is also helpful in understanding those around you and especially those you love and are in partnership with.
Which is where the composite chart comes in to play. This reading is designed for couples looking to gain further insight into their relationship. By combining the birth details of both individuals, I can create a chart for the relationship itself, which will provide information which can help the pair to better understand what their strengths, challenges, and lessons are within the partnership. Meaning that they are more fully equipped to understand and deal with the patterns, behaviours, and hurdles that may arise throughout the course of their time together. Thus, helping them to strengthen and work through more challenging aspects, bringing harmony and solidity to the dynamic.
Booking information
In order to book a reading with me, or to seek further information in regards to getting a reading, please contact me directly by clicking HERE, or by Direct Message through any of my social media outlets.
All readings are provided in written form and emailed to you directly.
Payment is taken prior to the commencement of a reading and can be made via PayPal ( or direct bank transfer.
I will need your date, place, and time of birth, in order to draw your natal chart. Please ensure that the time of birth provided is as accurate as you can get it, as this can vary the information in the chart. If you are unaware of your birth time, please do not hesitate to contact me and I shall have it dowsed for you, for free.
Please note, readings may take a few days for completion, depending on my schedule at the time. However, I will give you an estimated wait time during booking and I always endeavour to provide them to you as soon as I can.
If you have any specific questions which you would like to ask, in regards to any reading you are having, or thinking to have done, please feel free to add them, when contacting me.